Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Schindler's List"

The movie was about the Holocaust and what people were going through at the time. We had an inside look of what the Camps were and how horrible the people were treated. I though the plot was really good because we got to know more about the characters and how they were a major factor of the Holocaust. Oskar Schindler at first was an evil man who supported the Nazis but later had a change of heart. This Film was really good and yes it made me cry. Itzhak Stern was also a major factor in this film becuse he helped Schindler.

I Liked how they didnt leave anything behind, they didnt try and sugarcoat things. It was sad how the little kids were trying to hide, that scene was powerful.

A) The word " Power" means to me that you have Control of everything you wish. I think it means that he could do whatever he felt like doing. And in that matter he killed many innocent people that he didn't belong. It means to Schindler that he can take any one out but he chooses not to. Goethe misuses the definition of "power" because he is killing innocent people.

B) Schindler started realizing that the Jews were more that just "Slave Labors" but as "mothers, sisters, daughters". He had power and he saved 1200 Shindler Jews, he bribed officers. He felt bad and he did anything in his power to save people.

C) This film was very effective because i have seen pictures and i have heard about but I have never seen a film. This film gave me an inside look on how the Jews were treated.

Friday, August 29, 2008